Tuesday 5 May 2009

Audio Journal : 04/05/2009

Having taken a couple of extra days off after the bank holiday for my eldest daughter's third birthday, I've been exposed to more kids TV than I normally would, specifically her favourite show, The Wiggles. The Wiggles are a group of Australians who perform catchy pop songs which she loves singing along and dancing to The trouble is, their songs are literally like crack, and you can't stop singing them – as an adult – all day. I will, however, confess that the song 'Tassie Devil' from the new DVD Go Bananas! is really good. Sung by Captain Feathersword (I can't believe I'm actually writing this), it's a repetitive rock 'n' roll track about the native Australian creature and I happen to think it's great. Just don't tell anyone.

The Wiggles, via a cover of 'The Mooche' can be held responsible for me buying a Duke Ellington compilation this week. I have an on-off love affair with jazz, and despite leftfield musical tendencies, I find myself actually enjoying classic, big-band jazz songs more than the wayward blowing of someone like Ornette Coleman. Woody Allen soundtracks are the other big influence on my tastes here, and Ellington songs have graced many an Allen film score.

Finally, a BBC Four documentary on the stalwart indie label Rough Trade turned up a load of songs that I have been adding to my iTunes shopping basket ever since. The best of those picks has been 'Country Death Song' by Violent Femmes. Suffice to say, it's an early alt-country track murder ballad, ie it does exactly what it says on the tin.

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